Honor and memorial gifts
Habitat Grant County relies on donations from people like you to serve hundreds of families each year. Our goal is to make it easy for you to make a gift in whatever way is most convenient.
A Gift that Builds
Every day, more and more people are choosing alternative gift options for birthdays, holidays, memorials, and many other occasions. You can always make a donation in honor of or in memory of someone any time you donate to Habitat Grant County. Please note that you will receive the tax receipt and benefit.
In Memory, In Honor, or Special Occasions
Make a secure online donation using the form on this page. You can select what the gift is for, whether it’s a gift in honor of or memory of someone, or for a special occasion like a birthday, holiday, or wedding. If you’d like us to send a card in the mail to a recipient, make sure to check that box and fill in the recipient’s information. You can even include a personalized message for the card. We will send a Habitat card to the recipient, and a gift receipt to you.
By Mail
Download, print and complete this form explaining that this gift is in honor of or in memory of someone, or for a special occasion. Also, please include any recipient information if you want us to send a card.
Form and check donations may be mailed to:
Habitat for Humanity of Grant County
PO Box 687
Marion IN 46952
By Phone
Please call (765) 662-1552 to speak to a Resource Development representative.
Fill out the donation form below, and be sure to let us know this is an honor or memorial in the comments.